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  • Download speeds up to 500 Mbps
  • Unlimited Nationwide Calling
  • 13 Calling Features including Call Waiting, Call Forwarding & Caller ID
  • 2,000 GB Data Allowance
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High-Speed Internet

Q. Is High-Speed Internet access compatible with both PC and Mac?

A. Yes. High-Speed Internet will work with a PC or a Mac.

Q. Can I get high-speed Internet without cable TV hooked up?

A. Yes. You can order stand alone high speed Internet service. However, you can save money by bundling services together! By bundling, you will get more great services for your home at big savings!

Q. Is it possible to watch TV and surf the Internet at the same time?

A. Yes! The network was built with convenience in mind. The services can share the same line and not interfere with each other.

Q. Can I take calls while using the high-speed Internet connection?

A. Yes! This high-speed Internet solution doesn't use a telephone line and will not interfere with phone calls.

Q. How can I find out if high-speed Internet is available in my area? Q. What is the Technical Support phone number for Mediacom?

Phone Service

Q. What is phone service from a cable provider?

A. Phone service from your cable provider is a new technology that allows you to make calls over the data network of your cable operator. With this technology, you are able to keep your current phone number and phone. You will also be able to get calling features like voice mail, call waiting and more!

Q. What is VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol?

A. Voice over Internet Protocol is a technology developed to send calls over existing data networks. While some services use the Internet for call transmission, cable companies use a separate network to give you a far superior connection.

Q. What is the difference between phone service from my cable provider and traditional phone service?

A. Digital phone service is designed to save you money over traditional phone service without sacrificing any of the aspects of your current phone service. You can keep your current telephone number and phone. You can also take advantage of your favorite calling features like caller ID, call waiting and voice mail. You can save even more money by bundling this service with cable TV and Internet services. You'll have three great services on one convenient monthly bill.

Q. If I subscribe to phone service through my cable provider, will I still get services like Call Waiting and Caller ID?

A. Yes! You can still get your favorite calling features. Popular features include: Voice Mail, Call Waiting, Caller ID, Call Waiting with Caller ID, and Three-Way Calling.

Q. How can I find special offers on phone service in my area? Q. What is the Technical Support phone number for Mediacom?

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